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Endeavour Update Page

If you encounter a problem with your installation of ENDEAVOUR, please check first, if your version is up-to-date. You find the latest update information below. In other cases, contact CRYSTAL IMPACT:

Version 1.8b

Once you have obtained one or multiple ENDEAVOUR licences, you should visit this page from time to time, especially if you have deactivated the "Check for Online Update" option. (Cf. command "Options" in the"Tools" menu, "Desktop" page of "Options" dialog.)

The current version is 1.8b, released on April 26, 2019. If you are still using an earlier version (which can be checked by selecting "About Endeavour..." from the "Help" menu), we recommend to update to the latest version. If you have not activated the above mentioned "automatic online update" or are not willing or able to run the update via the "Online Update" command from the "Help" menu, you can download the setup package from our Download page.

Note: Before you start the installation after successful download, make a backup copy of your license file "yourlicense.lic", which is located in the Endeavour program directory, by default: "C:\Program Files\Endeavour". Then install Endeavour. After successful installation re-copy your backuped license file into the Endeavour program directory.

Check if the update has been successful by running the command "About Endeavour" from the "Help" menu.

Enhancements in version 1.8b

  • This version was released on April 26, 2019 and resolves several bugs. Compare "Known Bugs" page.

Enhancements in version 1.8a

  • This version was released on January 18, 2019 and resolves a bug with the command "File/Save As/Save Structure As...". Compare "Known Bugs" page.

Enhancements in version 1.8

  • This version was released on October 10, 2018. Some more details are here...
  • Crystal structures containing molecules/rigid bodies can now be solved directly in a space group other than P1, even if their atoms must be placed on special positions.
  • The design of the user interface has been polished.
  • The Multiple Document Interface (handling of more than one structure document at a time) now has a tabbed interface.
  • The structure solution progress graphics now appears in a docking window, displaying graphs for multiple seed values and/or documents at a time.
  • Display of overall cost function in addition to R-factor in progress graphics.
  • A new HTML-based online help system replaces the outdated (and not more supported under Windows Vista through 10) "Windows Help" system.
  • One single manual and tutorial file containing the (now obsolete as separate PDF files) "Endeavour Kernel Scripting Reference", "File Formats", and "Quickstart Tutorial", cf. "Help/Manual and Tutorial".
  • The latest settings (when you close Endeavour) are now stored in the Windows Registry (HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Crystal Impact\Endeavour) rather than in the "Endeavour.ini" file in the "C:\Windows" directory.
  • Several bugs have been fixed. Compare "Known Bugs" page.

Enhancements in version 1.7g

  • This version was released on January 6, 2015.
  • If a CIF file contains both structure parameters and diffraction data, the user will now be prompted to open the CIF file either as structure or as diffraction file.
  • The "Auto Save" function is now enabled by default (cf. "Tools/Options").
  • Several bugs have been fixed. Compare "Known Bugs" page.

Enhancements in version 1.7f

  • This version was released on March 7, 2012.
  • Several bugs have been fixed. Compare "Known Bugs" page.

Enhancements in version 1.7d and 1.7e

Enhancements in version 1.7c

  • A fourth page has been added to the Diffraction Data Import dialog listing the imported reflections or peaks and giving the user the chance to filter erroneous reflections or peaks as well as the option for zero-point correction (which was requested in previous versions after finishing the dialog).
  • Several bugs have been fixed. Compare "Known Bugs" page.

Enhancements in version 1.7b

  • A bug (some missing atomic form factors for electron diffraction) has been fixed. Compare "Known Bugs" page.

Enhancements in version 1.7a

  • The automatic check for available updates has been improved. Especially under Microsoft Windows Vista you will not be prompted unless an update is in fact available.
  • Some bugs have been fixed. Compare "Known Bugs" page.

Enhancements in version 1.7

  • Optimizations for structure solution from electron diffraction data
  • Extended support for single crystal diffraction data (|F(hkl)|, F^2(hkl) and I(hkl))
    • Merging of symmetry-correlated or Friedel reflections imported from hkl data files
    • Option for influence reduction of I(hkl) (or |F(hkl)|) differences if I(hkl) > 0
  • New "Diffraction Data Import" wizard to choose and check the diffraction data file format, to enter cell parameters (if necessary) and to define settings such as radiation type, wavelength etc.
  • Improved functions to export reflection parameters and peaks from tables of reflections and peaks, rsp. New command to save diffraction data in the File/Save As submenu.
  • New tutorial chapter demonstrating structure solution from electron and other single crystal diffraction data
  • Several bugs have been fixed. Compare "Known Bugs" page.

Enhancements in version 1.6

  • Automatic adjustment of all structure solution calculation parameters
  • Calculated profile function can be used instead of peaks for R-factor calculation, in order to avoid peak assignment problems
  • Automatic determination of space group from structural model (no need to adjust tolerance parameters anymore!)
  • Settings for the structure visualization "Autobuild" function (e.g. molecules, polyhedra) can now be adjusted automatically, taking into account the "chemistry" of the compound under investigation
  • New separate pane for configuration list in Endeavour window
  • Chapter "Tips&Tricks" in the manual now contains a lot more hints on what you could do if your structure is not directly solved by Endeavour
  • Minimum interatomic distances for all element pair combinations (derived from Pearson's Crystal Data) are now implemented (no need for manual adjustment of parameters for the simple repulsion potential anymore)
  • Several bugs have been fixed. Compare "Known Bugs" page.

Enhancements in version 1.5a

Enhancements in version 1.5

  • Many advanced parameters that are used for the treatment of molecules or single atoms during structure solution as well as settings for the treatment of peaks, the calculation of the R-value and for optimization can now be edited by the user via the "Advanced Settings for Structure Solution" dialog, which is available from the "Structure Solution Wizard".
  • Zero-point correction after import of peak data (optional).
  • Automatic checking of peak correlations (optional, active by default).
  • A separate command to open a molecule structure file to avoid misleading when solving a crystal structure that contains molecules. ("File/New Molecule..."; the first has been renamed to "File/New Structure Solution".)
  • Acrobat Reader (PDF) references are now available for kernel scripting language and structure data file formats from the Help menu.
  • New desktop design like in Diamond 3 (menus, toolbars, configuration list, data sheet).

Enhancements in version 1.4a

Enhancements in version 1.4

  • Molecules can now be rotated around a reference atom which has been fixed to a certain position.
  • The structure solution wizard has been significantly improved concerning the handling of molecules. For example, you can place and fix (and optionally allow rotation of) molecules at certain positions by clicking on the "Place molecule(s)..." button on page 2 of the structure solution wizard (formerly named "Advanced settings...").
  • Before the actual structure solution calculation is started, Endeavour now compares the peak positions calculated from the unit cell parameters to the experimental values and displays a warning if a large deviation is found.
  • Some internal optimization parameters have been optimized.
  • Some bugs have been fixed. Compare "Known Bugs" page.

Enhancements in version 1.3b

  • A bug that could lead to negative counts on the "Define atoms in unit cell" page (Page 3 of 7 of "Preparation of structure solution" wizard) has been fixed.
  • A bug that allowed the option "Local refinement", if all atoms were placed but contained at least some unfixed parameters, has been fixed.

Enhancements in version 1.3a

  • A bug affecting the fixing of atom coordinates to special positions has been fixed.
  • The problem concerning the online update on Windows 98/ME systems has been resolved.
  • Some minor bugs have been fixed.