New Match! version 3.15 (Build 267)
June 29, 2023
A new version 3.15 (Build 267) of Match!, our software for phase analysis using powder diffraction data, has just become available. The new version is a maintenance release, providing both enhancements and bug fixes.
Here is the full list of improvements in the new version:
- Rietveld refinement convergence issues could be caused by phases with low space group symmetry, large unit cell parameters and/or diffraction patterns with broad peaks (large FWHM values). The problem is caused by the FullProf limitation that only up to a maximum of 2024 reflections may contribute to a certain data point. Unfortunately, no reasonable error message was displayed by Match! in these cases.
- The profile fitting of individually marked peaks has been improved, which also enhances the manual addition of peaks.
- [Windows version only] A bug has been fixed that might have caused a crash of the program or error messages like "Error reading 0 peaks from database entry no. ..." or "Error while reading entry data from reference database. Your database may be corrupt!" when using an ICDD PDF reference database.
In order to completely fix the issue, you also need to remove your old PDF reference database from the reference database library (no need to uninstall the PDF database itself though) and create the PDF reference database again after installing the new Match! version.
- New edition of the COD reference database (dated June 6, 2023) is used
- Some minor bugs have been fixed.
Match! version 3 users should check their update permission time (e.g. in "Help / About Match!") and then
download and install the new version from here.
Match! Demo Version and Information
If you are new to Match! and would like to learn more about it, please
visit the Match! web page.
where you can also download a full-featured (time-limited) demonstration version free-of-charge.