New Match! version 3.15 (Build 262)
April 18, 2023
A new version 3.15 (Build 262) of Match!, our software for phase analysis using powder diffraction data, has just become available. The new version is a maintenance release in which we have addressed several issues in context with Rietveld refinement and especially multibyte characters in file and directory names, along with some other minor issues.
Here is the full list of improvements in the new version:
- Match! now uses a different FullProf output format for the calculated profile, in order to avoid the "Unable to read fpcalc.prf" error message that was typically displayed when the user tried to refine diffraction data with high intensity / count values.
- Match! now accepts semicolon (';') characters in formatted text (*.csv) diffraction data files.
- The following bugs and issues have been fixed:
- If your user name contained multibyte characters (e.g. Kanji)), it was not possible to install your license file using the built-in "LicenseManager" mechanism. This issue could be recognized by the following error message displayed after you have selected the license file to be installed in Match!: "License file error: You have selected a license file that is not valid for the current version of Match!. Reason: License file not found.".
- Several other issues in context with multibyte characters (e.g. Kanji in user-, file- or directory names) have been fixed. For example, reading Stoe raw data files from files or directories with multibyte characters in their names is now possible.
- [Linux version only] A bug has been fixed due to which the first search-match after program startup resulted in "0 matching entries", while the second search-match gave the correct result afterwards.
- Due to a bug, Match! sometimes crashed when loading Match! document files (*.mtd) that were created with certain earlier versions of the program.
- Some minor bugs have been fixed as well.
Match! version 3 users should check their update permission time (e.g. in "Help / About Match!") and then
download and install the new version from here.
Match! Demo Version and Information
If you are new to Match! and would like to learn more about it, please
visit the Match! web page.
where you can also download a full-featured (time-limited) demonstration version free-of-charge.