New Diamond Version 4.6.6
September 17, 2021
A minor update 4.6.6 of "Diamond", our software for crystal and molecular
structure visualization, has just become available. This new version corrects some bugs:
- The following bugs have been resolved:
- Several bugs in the CIF import filter (convert.dll), which have been encountered when preparing a new COD version for Diamond version 5.
- "Data Table Settings" dialog: An additional (but blank) column was shown for bond/contact/H-bond connection parameters.
- Crash possible when measuring angles and atoms derived from symmetry-equivalent in the atomic parameter list) are involved.
For details, see the "Known Bugs" page.
Diamond version 4 customers should use the online update function (menu "Help/Online update") or check the "Diamond Version 4 Update Page"
for alternative update choices.
Diamond Demo Version and Information
If you would like to learn more about Diamond, please visit the corresponding web page
where you can also download a demonstration version free-of-charge.