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New Match! version 3.7.1

February 12, 2019

A new Match! version 3.7.1 has just become available. In the new version, the peak searching has been improved, and a variety of other new options and features has been implemented. In addition, a variety of bugs has been fixed.

In detail, the following new functions and bug fixes have been implemented:

  • The peak searching has been improved.
  • Using the new command "Quantify / Degree of crystallinity (DOC) / (Re-)calculate DOC", the degree of crystallinity (DOC) quantitative analysis can now also be performed based on a single pattern only, i.e. without requiring a second pattern containing the "empty sample holder" diffraction data. Because of this, it is based on the assumption that the instrument contribution to the background has already been removed.
  • A new data sheet option has been added to display not only 2theta- or d-values but also both of them (see Tools/Options/Data sheet).
  • You can now display 2theta-, d- or intensity values as well as a phase identifier (letter) at experimental peaks, using the corresponding new options on the top-right of the "Graphics" tab of the "Options" dialog.
  • Match! can now also import XRDML-files in which each data point has an individual position value (and not just a position calculated from 2theta starting value and step size).
  • Several bugs have been fixed:
    • Due to a bug, the result of the degree-of-crystallinity result was the same, independent from the setting of the option "Subtracht full pattern / background only".
    • A bug affecting the import of raw/profile diffraction data in "two column" file format (2theta/d vs. intensity) has been fixed.
    • When trying to run Rietveld refinement calculations using the most recent FullProf release November 2018, an error message like "Cannot find Rietveld output file" was displayed. This was caused by an additional library file required for the execution of the new version of the FullProf program.
    • Due to a bug, Match! even used excluded pattern ranges for the calculation of the intensity scale factor.
    • Two bugs affected the import of Bruker RAW data files.
    • A bug in the import code for Rigaku raw diffraction data caused problems e.g. when being used in the "degree of crystallinity" analysis.
    • On Linux 64-bit PCs the online help did not open.
    • Some minor bugs have been fixed as well.

Match! version 3 users should download and install the new version from here.

You may have noticed that the new version is only available for 4 different operating systems, while the previous version has been available for 6 of them. The background is that we have united the two Windows 32-bit versions because of simplicity, with the new 32-bit version being able to run from Windows XP to 10. The Linux 32-bit version has been dropped because we have the impression that most Linux users are running the 64-bit version by now.

Match! Demo Version and Information

If you are new to Match! and would like to learn more about it, please visit the Match! web page. where you can also download a full-featured (time-limited) demonstration version free-of-charge.