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Our outstanding crystal and molecular structure visualization and exploration program. More...


Designed for the solution of crystal structures from powder diffraction data. More...


Easy-to-use software for phase identification from X-ray powder diffraction data. More...

Pearson's CD

Database with crystal structures of inorganic materials and compounds. More...

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Crystal Impact outlook to 2018

December 18, 2017

The year 2017 is almost closing, so we would like to take the opportunity to thank you for your interest in our software! Again, new as well as established customers have made it a very busy year for us. And we have already celebrated the 20th anniversary of Crystal Impact!

In the following we would like to give you a brief outlook what you can expect from Crystal Impact in 2018:

Diamond 5 will be released, providing a new explorer view for a more intuitive research from atomic environments up to molecule clusters. In this context, we will also switch over to the update subscription model that we are already using with our Match! software. The update to Diamond 5 will be free-of-charge for all customers who own a license for Diamond 4.

Match! will be improved continuously: Version 3.6 (to be released in early spring 2018) will provide an enhanced peak searching functionality. In further releases, we will try to increase the accuracy of the semi-quantitative analysis, by switching over from peak to whole profile intensity scaling. Further improvements scheduled for 2018 are the determination of the amorphous content (e.g. using PONCKS) and several enhancements for Rietveld refinement. In addition, we will provide more tutorial videos, e.g. for indexing as well as structure solution.

Regarding Endeavour, we have recently added a more direct connection to Match!, so that the complete workflow from raw powder diffraction data to structure solution is now available. A new Endeavour version 1.8 will become available in spring 2018, providing an improved look-and-feel as well as a replacement for the outdated "Winhelp" online help by a modern HTML-based system.

The next annual release 2018/19 of Pearson's Crystal Data will become available in late summer or autumn 2018, providing several thousand new entries.

Office closed

Our office will be closed from December 23 until January 1. In urgent cases, please contact us by e-mail or fax.

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
    Klaus Brandenburg and Holger Putz