New Match! version 3.5
July 28, 2017
A new version 3.5 of Match!, our software for phase identification from
powder diffraction data, has just become available. It provides unit cell
indexing as well as crystal structure solution (using Endeavour; Windows version only).
In addition, special versions for Windows 64-bit and 32-bit as well as Windows XP/Vista have become available.
The following new functions and bug fixes have been implemented:
- Indexing (unit cell parameter calculation) from marked peaks using Treor or Dicvol
- [Windows version only] Structure solution using Endeavour
- New command "File/Import/Crystal structure (CIF)"
- New command "Peaks/Import from file" adds peaks from a 2-column-, Stoe peak data or
PANalytical UDI-file to the current experimental pattern
- A new button "Auto select" has been added to the "Crystallite Size Estimation" dialog,
using which the automatic selection of peaks for being included in the average crystallite
size estimation calculation can be triggered.
- The 2theta values of the peaks can now be displayed close to their top in the pattern
graphics, just like the d- and hkl-values.
- The default settings of the "Graphics" option "Difference plot calculated from" has been
set to "Exp. peaks" (instead of "Selected phases").
- Special versions for Windows 32-bit and 64-bit as well as Windows XP/Vista have become available.
- Match! has been verified to work with all upcoming ICDD PDF 2018 database products.
- Several bugs have been fixed:
- A severe bug prohibited the restoration of several display options and settings (e.g.
displaying of experimental peaks or calculated profile), so adjusting these settings did
not seem to have a permanent effect, even though the "Save as defaults" box was marked.
- Due to a bug, modifying e.g. the peak intensity in the pattern graphics using the mouse
caused the calculated profile and/or the peak intensity to drop significantly.
- A bug in the calculation of the initial scaling parameters for the Rietveld refinement has been fixed.
- Some bugs affecting the update of the crystallite size table if e.g. peak data or selected
phases have changed has been resolved.
- Due to a bug, excluded ranges were deleted e.g. when loading a document file or running the "Undo" command.
- An issue affecting the selection of the FullProf directory on macOS has been resolved.
- Several minor bugs have been fixed as well.
Match! version 3 users should
download and install the new version 3.5 from here.
Match! Demo Version and Information
If you are new to Match! and would like to learn more about it, please
visit the Match! web page.
where you can also download a full-featured (time-limited) demonstration version free-of-charge.