New Match! version 3.4
February 27, 2017
We have just released a new version 3.4 of Match!, our software for phase identification from
powder diffraction data. The new version provides a variety of new
or improved functionality for "manual/direct identification", which means that you can now work more quickly if you already know which phases are present in your sample.
Here is a list of all new features and improvements:
- You can now add one or more entries directly to the match list, by pressing <Ctrl+E> and
entering either the name, the formula sum or the entry number. If more than a single
entry matches your criterion, a new dialog will be displayed in which you can select the
entry(s) you would like to add to the match list.
- Manual phases/entries have become available: You can now add one (or more) new entries that are not
present in the reference database directly to the match list, e.g. by importing from cif-file or
manual input of entry data (even partial). In order to do so, right-click in the Match list and
select "Add new manual entry" from the context menu that opens.
- You can add a manual entry that is currently marked in the match list to the current reference
database, using the corresponding command either from the "Database" menu, or from the context
menu (click right mouse-button to open).
- New menu command "Entries / Add/select copy as manual entry" for marked candidate list entries
- New command "Search / Search-Match (marked peaks only)" runs a search-match calculation that
takes only the experimental peaks that are currently marked into account.
- New command "Peaks / Mark uncorrelated peaks"
- New "General" option to manually define the Diamond program directory (Windows version only)
- Profile data calculated either from experimental peaks or selected phases can now be exported.
- Several bugs have been fixed:
- Several issues affecting the usage of Brindley coefficients for the microabsorption in
Rietveld refinement calculations have been resolved.
- A bug affecting the displaying of multi-byte character in the sample ID read from Rigagu raw data files has been fixed.
- The reference database settings were not read from a Match! settings file even if the
user clicked 'No' at the question 'Would you like to keep the current reference databases?'
- Due to a bug, zooming in and out could cause problems when using the sqrt(I) or log(I) scaling on the y-axis.
- A bug in the display of the profile diffraction data calculated from selected phases has been fixed.
- The report was not updated in many cases when it was opened for the second, third... time in a Match! document session.
- Editing the formula sum of a reference database entry caused the whole reference database to become unusable.
- A variety of minor bugs has been fixed.
Match! version 3 users should
download and install the new version 3.4 from here.
Match! Demo Version and Information
If you are new to Match! and would like to learn more about it, please
visit the Match! web page.
where you can also download a full-featured (time-limited) demonstration version free-of-charge.