New Match! version 3.2.1
April 22, 2016
We have just released a new version 3.2.1 of Match!, our software for phase identification from
powder diffraction data. The new version provides some minor improvements as well as bug fixes:
- The initial dialog asking a new user to select the path to his FullProf installation is
now displayed later on (if required) when the user wants to run a Rietveld refinement
calculation for the first time.
- The header of the "intensity" column in the peak list now gives the exact type of
values ("Peak height" or "Integrated intensity"), depending on the scaling of the
y-axis in the pattern graphics as "relative intensities (I rel.)" (peak heights scaled to
a maximum 1000.0) or "Counts" (-> integrated peak intensities)).
- In the Match list, quantitative amounts of phases for which the default I/Ic-value had to be used
(because the corresponding entries did not contain a I/Ic-value), are now displayed in red color
(instead of the former '(*)' indicator that was used up to now).
- Several bugs have been fixed:
- Some intensity scaling issues in the pattern graphics have been resolved.
- A bug affecting the command "File/Print/Data sheet" has been fixed.
- The sorting of the Match list according to the quantitative amounts did not work properly if
the default I/Ic-value of 1.0 was used for at least one of the phases.
- In certain circumstances, Match! was unable to find the "Diamond" program on Windows PCs.
- Some minor bugs have been fixed as well.
Match! version 3 users should
download and install the new version 3.2.1 from here.
Match! Demo Version and Information
If you are new to Match! and would like to learn more about it, please
visit the Match! web page.
where you can also download a full-featured (time-limited) demonstration version free-of-charge.