New Match! version 3.1.1
February 25, 2016
Today we have released a new version 3.1.1 of Match!, our software for phase identification from
powder diffraction data. The new version is basically a maintenance release, providing the following
improvements and bug fixes:
- New command "Peak list options..." in context menu of peak list (right-click to open)
- Command "Internal standard" has been added to context menu of Match list (right-click to open)
- Several bugs have been fixed:
- A bug prohibiting the usage of PDF-2 databases released before 2011 (causing error messages
like 'Cannot append to Match! protocol file " (tbl_Cellpar)') has been fixed.
- Another issue due to which no space group information was given in the data sheets of some PDF-entries has been resolved.
- The problem that the setting of the raw data processing options "Geometry" and "Omega"
could not be saved as default has been resolved.
- In the User Database Manager, several bugs have been fixed.
Match! version 3 users should
download and install the new version 3.1.1 from here.
Match! Demo Version and Information
If you are new to Match! and would like to learn more about it, please
visit the Match! web page.
where you can also download a full-featured (time-limited) demonstration version free-of-charge.