New Diamond Version 4.1.2
January 4, 2016
A minor update 4.1.2 of "Diamond", our software for crystal and molecular
structure visualization, has just become available. This new version is a maintenance release
where some bugs have been fixed:
- The command "Structure"/"Add Connection" did not yet regard H..A-bonds.
- Some commands in the "Move" menu (as well as corresponding icons in the toolbar)
were disabled, when you ran the command "View"/"Powder Pattern" or "View"/"Distances
and Angles".
- If you removed translational symmetry from a picture with cell (corners), then removed
a corner from the table of created atoms, the program could throw an error message
and behave strangely thereafter.
- The powder pattern calculation function did not correctly reply to changes caused
by "Remove/Add translational symmetry".
- Graphics was partially clipped when doing Copy/Paste from the diffraction diagram.
- For more details, see our "Known Bugs" page.
Diamond version 4 customers should use the online update function (menu "Help/Online update") or check the "Diamond Version 4 Update Page"
for alternative update choices.
Diamond Demo Version and Information
If you would like to learn more about Diamond, please visit the corresponding web page
where you can also download a demonstration version free-of-charge.