New Diamond Version 4.0.4
August 10, 2015
A maintenance release 4.0.4 of "Diamond", our software for crystal and molecular
structure visualization, has just become available. In this new version several bugs have been fixed:
- Several errors in VRML export of structure picture (internal bonds in polyhedra
not suppressed, two-colored bonds not supported, broken-off atoms not hidden).
- In POV-Ray export of structure picture broken-off atoms appeared as visible.
- Structure Picture Assistant closed at the beginning when opening Diamond along with
a structure, e.g. CIF, file.
- Memory overflow (in Undo buffer) when doing many "Stepping" steps, e.g. rotation
with cursor keys.
- "Add atom" command in Atomic Parameters dialog could assign atoms in structure picture
to wrong atoms of parameter list.
For details, cf. our "Known Bugs" page.
Diamond version 4 customers should use the online update function (menu "Help/Online update") or check the "Diamond Version 4 Update Page"
for alternative update choices.
Diamond Demo Version and Information
If you would like to learn more about Diamond, please visit the corresponding web page
where you can also download a demonstration version free-of-charge.