New Match! version 2.4.5
August 10, 2015
Today we have released a new version 2.4.5 of Match!, our software for phase
identification from powder diffraction data.
Like last time, the new version is a pure maintenance release in which nearly all currently known
bugs have been fixed:
- Due to a bug, marking entries in the Match list did no longer work properly after the order
of entries had been altered by a Rietveld refinement (e.g. because of sorting according to amount).
- If two or more peaks of a reference entry were correlated with the same experimental peak, this
was neither reflected in the intensity values of the Peak list nor in the peak difference plot.
- The displaying of the "Minimum rel. intensity for peak correlation" parameter value was incorrect
if the "Counts" scaling was selected on the y-axis.
- Some minor bugs have been fixed.
In addition, we have verified that Match! is compatible to the upcoming ICDD PDF 2015 database versions.
Match! version 2 users should
download and install the new version 2.4.5 from here.
Match! Demo Version and Information
If you would like to learn more about Match!, please
visit the Match! web page.
where you can also download a full-featured (time-limited) demonstration version free-of-charge.