New Diamond Version 4.0.3
May 6, 2015
A maintenance release 4.0.3 of "Diamond", our software for crystal and molecular
structure visualization, has just become available. In this new version several bugs have been fixed:
- "Voronoi polyhedra" dialog: Voronoi polyhedra can now be created around multiple
selected (central) atoms.
- Voronoi polyhedra function sometimes found "too many" neighbouring atoms or atoms
too far away and/or unreasonable edge atoms ("<vertex>").
- Properties pane: No or wrong info for "Dirichlet domain", if table of polyhedra
was active above.
- Runtime error could occur (and terminate Diamond) when Diamond failed to restore
last working directory.
- Option "Automatically create atoms and bonds" did not work properly when importing
structure data having no translational symmetry, e.g. from an XYZ file.
- Location of POV-Ray executable (when running a POV-Ray command) showed message boxed
that were "forgotten" and not addressed to end user.
- No context menus in the tables for distances/angles as well as reflection parameters.
- "Transform" toolbar was not available. Now accessible via "View/Toolbars" submenu.
- Diamond could hang up, if input data contained coordinates deviating heavily from
normalized coordinates, e.g. "Fe1 150 -120 170".
For details, cf. our "Known Bugs" page.
Diamond version 4 customers should use the online update function (menu "Help/Online update") or check the "Diamond Version 4 Update Page"
for alternative update choices.
Diamond Demo Version and Information
If you would like to learn more about Diamond, please visit the corresponding web page
where you can also download a demonstration version free-of-charge.