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Our outstanding crystal and molecular structure visualization and exploration program. More...


Designed for the solution of crystal structures from powder diffraction data. More...


Easy-to-use software for phase identification from X-ray powder diffraction data. More...

Pearson's CD

Database with crystal structures of inorganic materials and compounds. More...

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Crystal Impact News for 2015

December 17, 2014

With the new year 2015 approaching rapidly, we would like to stop for a moment and thank you for your interest in our software products! 2014 has been a very busy year for us again, especially with regard to the release of the new Diamond version 4 as well as the rapidly increasing interest in Match!, our software for phase identification from powder data.

For 2015 we plan to release new and enhanced versions for all four software products:


After the 4.0 release several minor updates 4.1, 4.2, etc. will follow in 2015 and the subsequent years with several improvements and new functions, amongst them in the first updates:

  • Acceleration of structure picture drawing and anti-aliasing.
  • A filter for a more comfortable selection of overlapping objects, e.g. only atoms but no bonds and labels.
  • Assignment of atom designs to individual atom sites rather than atom groups only (Atom Group Designs dialog).

These minor updates 4.x will be free-of-charge to customers of Diamond 4.


We are currently very busy working on the next Match! version 2.4 that will contain some major improvements:

  • The stacking distance between diffraction patterns can be reduced step by step up to a complete overlap with the anchor pattern at the bottom.
  • For each additional pattern, a new "pattern menu" button is available that provides access to commands like "Close pattern", "Swap patterns" etc.
  • It is now possible to add or subtract two patterns.
  • You can now define a minimum value for the intensities of peaks to be correlated. By increasing this value you can exclude minor phases which may be reasonable when beginning a new phase identification.
  • When loading an entry from the candidate list as a new experimental pattern, a profile curve is calculated by now.
...and a lot more improvements and bug fixes. The new version is scheduled to become available in January.

Another important information in this context is that we have become an official ICDD software developer and distributor of the PDF database products.

Finally, we have been informed by a customer that Match! version 1 is no longer compatible with the new PDF 2014 database products. We will check this issue and release a new version 1.11i within the next few weeks.


Currently, we are working on a new bug fix release 1.7g that will become available in January. Besides this, we are trying to optimize the software with regard to the solution of molecule crystal structures from electron diffraction data. Finally, we are planning a new version 1.8 (to be released in summer) that will provide a more modern user interface and experience.

Pearson's Crystal Data

The next annual release 2015/16 of Pearson's Crystal Data that will also become available in summer 2015 will not only contain more entries but also some major improvements: For one, there will be plots of e.g. unit cell parameters vs. temperature available for a lot of compounds. In addition, the user interface will look much more modern.

Office closed

Our office will be closed from December 23 until January 1. In urgent cases, please contact us by e-mail or fax (+49-228-9813644).

We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Klaus Brandenburg and Holger Putz