Crystal Impact News for 2014
December 18, 2013
With the year almost closing, we would like to say thank you for your interest in
our software in 2013! Both new as well as established customers have made it a very
busy year for us again.
Two important projects have been finished or came alive in the past 12 months:
- You can now run Rietveld refinements from within Match! version 2.1.
- Video tutorials have been introduced where special topics are demonstrated.
In the following we would
like to give you a brief outlook what you can expect from Crystal Impact in the next year 2014.
Diamond 4
Well, to be honest, it still takes more time than originally expected. Klaus now
hopes to be able to finally release Diamond 4 in 2014...but you never know!
So we intend to have two important projects in the year 2014:
- The release of Diamond version 4
- and the release of Diamond version 4.
Yes, you are reading right: Actually the next major update is two versions in one
-- due to the abundance of new functionalities that have piled up in the years since
Diamond version 3 release.
The Diamond Developer Blog is still open, and there will be more news -- at least
during the beta test period:
You can already get a comprehensive overview of all new features, by following the
Diamond 4 feature tour at:
Nevertheless, our "free-of-charge" update offer is still valid:
Customers who have purchased (or will purchase) the current version 3 of Diamond
after August 1, 2010 will be entitled to update to version 4 free-of-charge (with electronic delivery).
Shipping of a manual/DVD package will be available as an option for 50 EUR (within
Europe) or 100 EUR (shipping to countries outside Europe).
Match!: Improvements and More Tutorial Videos
We will continue to improve the Match! software step by step, for example by implementing
an enhanced automatic peak search algorithm. There is a long list of ideas for new
features that will be added to the code one by one.
In addition, we have scheduled several new video tutorials for 2014:
- Advanced Rietveld techniques (showing how to manually adjust the parameter values,
define constraints, or use entries without complete crystal structure description)
- Match list usage (where you will learn about the large variety of operations you
can perform in the match list)
- Determination of minor phases (showing which options are important in order to
determine phases that are only present in small amounts in the sample)
- Quickstart (demonstrating the basic software usage and workflow).
Pearson's Crystal Data Update and Release 2014/15
In July/August 2014,
the next annual release 2014/15 of Pearson's
Crystal Data will become available, containing both a bunch of new entries as well as eventually a
polished user interface.