Each phase analysis starts with loading (importing) the diffraction data into Match!. This can either be done by selecting the "Insert/overlay..." command in the "Pattern" menu, by clicking the corresponding "+"-button in the top right corner of the diffraction pattern area, or simply by press the combination <Ctrl+I> (<Cmd+I> on the Mac) on your keyboard. This will open the "Select diffraction data" dialog in which you select the file(s) you would like to import. Please note that it is possible to select more than a single file to be imported!
Match! is capable of identifying all currently supported diffraction data file formats automatically (at least if you select "All files (automatic detection) (*.*)" at the bottom of the dialog). A list of all currently supported diffraction data file formats can be found here.
After having selected your diffraction data file, please press "Open" to import the diffraction data.
If a file type does not include all information required (e.g. missing wavelength), you will have to enter them manually in the "Experimental Details" dialog.
If the resolution (step size) of an imported diffraction pattern is larger than 0.04°, you will be asked by default if Match! shall increase (double) the resolution. A low resolution may lead to inaccurate peak positions and cause problems during qualitative phase analysis.
You can import more than one diffraction pattern (multiple patterns option). In order to do so, simply press the "+"-button in the top right corner again (or use the "Pattern" menu command or keyboard shortcut (see above)).
It is also possible to add peak data from a file to the current experimental pattern. This can be achieved by selecting the "Import from file" command in the "Peaks" menu. You can add peaks from a 2-column-, Stoe peak data or PANalytical UDI-file to the current experimental pattern.